Easy Tips for Eco-Eating

Thinking about what to get for lunch today? There may be many food options you can buy, but are packaged in plastic containers, which cannot degrade, or break down into harmful microplastics. (Check out my friend's blog for more on microplastics and plastic waste!) And, did you know that Styrofoam is also plastic? It can stay in the environment for millions of years and be eaten by animals, effectively killing them. Even worse, the chemicals in the plastic can become part of the tissues of the animals. When you eat these animals, these can become part of you! 
Food packaged in Styrofoam. Photo by albedo20.
Instead, try cooking something and bringing it in a reusable container! This way, you can cut down on the waste you would produce if you had bought food instead. Plus, it's cheaper to cook.
Home made food. Photo by Ella Olsson.
If you're already on the go, and you want to buy food, you can still opt for biodegradable packaging, like that shown in the picture below.
Biodegradable packaging. Photo by me.
Now, biodegradable packaging doesn't have to be that fancy; your regular 'KFC' paper box or 'Subway' wrapping for the sandwich is biodegradable! (Just  refuse the plastic bag that they give you.) But, these options might be less healthy than if you cooked food.
Fast food may also be packaged in biodegradable containers! Photo by freestocks.org from Pexels


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